All our facts, the facts of which we are aware, are abstract, and the more profound their claims the more super-abstract they become. And when some say, in their vaunting carelessness, that there is no limit to what can be known, or, which is more frequent, when they avoid saying such a foolish thing but quietly behave as if it were so, they mean or tacitly believe that all the facts of the universe before the present may be comprehended beneath some hyper-abstract description. No doubt this is possible, but descriptions of this kind are so lacking in detail that they would have little interest, particularly because they would be so vague that their future orientation, their predictions, would be so general that they would not differ at all from an abstract account of the past, and would hardly seem to count as predictions at all since it is inconceivable that they could be wrong. That is not surprising, since they must transcend time; but without a temporal dimension they lose relevance to time-bound organisms.