Books & Other Longer Pieces

Energy, Entropy and the Theory of Wealth (NNS: Newcastle, 2016). Given in the Newcastle University Insight series of public lectures, 11 February 2016. Download.

The Lymiad: a Poem in the Form of Letters from Lyme to A friend in Bath written during the autumn of 1818. Edited by John Fowles and John Constable. (Philpot Museum: Lyme Regis, 2011). viii + 191pp. Introduction by John Fowles, pp. 1–5. General Introduction by John Constable, pp. 6–59. ISBN 978-0-9527662-1-6. In print, and available from The Lyme Regis Philpot Museum, Bridge Street, Lyme Regis, DT7 3QA. Telephone: 01297 443370. Download cover and contents.

Selected Works of I. A. Richards 1919–1938 (Routledge: London, 2001). 10 volumes. In print from Routledge.

Vol. 1. The Foundations of Aesthetics. lxii + 82 pp.

Vol. 2. The Meaning of Meaning. xlvi + 386 pp.

Vol. 3. Principles of Literary Criticism. lii + 331 pp.

Vol. 4. Practical Criticism. xxxvii + 361 pp.

Vol. 5. Mencius on the Mind. xxxvi + 170 pp.

Vol. 6. Coleridge on Imagination. xxxvi + 187 pp.

Vol. 7. The Philosophy of Rhetoric. xvii + 94 pp.

Vol. 8. Interpretation in Teaching. xxvi + 484 pp.

Vol. 9. Collected Shorter Writings 1919–1938. vii + 567 pp.

Vol. 10. I. A. Richards and his Critics: Selected Reviews and Critical Articles. lxxv + 499pp.

Critical Essays on William Empson, Critical Thought Series: 3 (Scolar Press: Aldershot and Brookfield, Vermont, 1993), xii + 555pp. Edited, with an introductory essay (pp. 1–14). Out of print. Download introduction and list of contents.

Wyndham Lewis and his Readers: 1911-1931 (University of Cambridge, Doctoral thesis: 1993). Available for free download from the University of Cambridge.

Selected Letters of I. A. Richards (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1990), xlvi + 226pp. Introduction by Richard Luckett. Out of print.

Wyndham Lewis & I. A. Richards: A Friendship Documented 1928-1957 (Skate Press: Cambridge, 1989), 72 pp. Edited and introduced in collaboration with S. J. M. Watson. Out of print.



"The poor need the rich to be always with us", Standpoint 103 (July/August 2018), 30–33. Download.

"Economic hazards of a forced energy transition: inferences from the UK’s renewable energy and climate strategy”, Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review (June 2016). ISSN 1349-4961 Evolut Inst Econ Rev DOI 10.1007/s40844-016-0041-6. With Lee Moroney. 

"Thermo-economics: Energy, Entropy and Wealth", Britain and Overseas, Journal of the Economic Research Council, 44/2 (Summer 2014), 3–14. Download.

"The Sin Against Genius: Settling Scores in the Human Age". Written in 1995, and published here for here for the first time (2014). Download.

"Two Filibusters in Barbary: Wyndham Lewis and Alfred Rosenberg". Written in 1995, and published here for the first time (2014). Download.

"The Doom of Youth: Wyndham Lewis' Conspiracy Theory". Written ca. 1995, but published here for the first time (2013). Download.

"Wyndham Lewis's Hitler: Content and Public Reception: The Truth". Written in 1993, and published here for the first time in this form (2014). Download.

"A Vision of Freedom through the Looking Glass of Mr Punch". Published here for the first time (2014). Download.

"An Alternative to Our Reckless Energy Gamble”, Standpoint 52 (May 2013), 36–39. With Patrick Heren.

"Government & Poetry", The Cambridge Quarterly 41/1 (Mar. 2012), 43–65. Read online without charge at the Cambridge Quarterly site.

"The Free and the Compromised", PN Review, No.159, 31/1 (Sep.-Oct. 2004). Download.

"The Queen is No McGonagall!" (23 May 2003), previously unpublished. Available here for the first time. Download.

"Testing for Mathematical Lineation in Jim Crace’s Quarantine and T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets", in Christine Michaux and Marc Dominicy, eds, Linguistic Approaches to Poetry, special issue of The Belgian Journal of Linguistics 15 (2001), 35–52. With Hideaki Aoyama. Download.

"The Composition and Recomposition of Akenside’s Pleasures of the Imagination", in Robin Dix, ed., Mark Akenside: A Reassessment (Associated University Presses: London, 2000), 249–283. Download.

‘Word Length Frequency and Distribution in English: Part II. An Empirical and Mathematical Examination of the Character and Consequences of Isometric Lineation.’ With Hideaki Aoyama. Literary and Linguistic Computing 14/4 (Dec. 1999), 507–535. Download.

"Word Length Frequency and Distribution in English: Part I. Prose." With Hideaki Aoyama. Literary and Linguistic Computing 14/3 (Sep. 1999), 339–358. Download.

"The Uses of Literary Data." Based on "Culture and the Darwinian Heritage: Implications for Literary Research in the University", in Johan M.G. van der Dennen, et al., eds, The Darwinian Heritage and Sociobiology (Praeger: Westport, 1999), 101–115. Download.

"The Character and Future of Rich Poetic Effects", in Shoichiro Sakurai, ed., The View from Kyoto: Essays on Twentieth-Century Poetry (Rinsen Books: Kyoto, 1998), 89–108. Download.

"Verse Form: A Pilot Study in the Epidemiology of Representations", Human Nature, 8/2 (1997), 171–203. Download.

"The Uselessness of Poetry and Criticism". 17 November 1992. Previously unpublished. Download.

"Critic or Creator: Wyndham Lewis and The Childermass", Review of English Literature (Kyoto University), 64 (Sep. 1992), 1–19. Download.

"The Evolution of Wyndham Lewis's Policy, Strategy, and Tactics: 1910–1939". 1991. Previously unpublished. Download.

"Possible Types of Readers and Writers". 1991. Previously unpublished. Download.

"Meaningless Energies: Satire of Hemingway in Wyndham Lewis’s Snooty Baronet"Review of English Literature (Kyoto University), 60 (Oct. 1990), 111–39. A shorter version also appeared as "Meaningless Energies: Hemingway and Snooty Baronet", Energy News (Summer 1990), 14–20. Download.

"I. A. Richards, T. S. Eliot, and the Poetry of Belief", Essays in Criticism, 40/3 (July 1990), 222–243. Available at the OUP site.


Book Reviews and Other Shorter Pieces

"A Family of Anglers", The Salisbury Review 29/1 (Autumn 2010), 50–51. Review of Luke Jennings, Blood Knots (Atlantic Books: London, 2010). Download.

"Is Esox Lucius Our Last Mohican?". First published in Country Life (2008). Revised version published here for the first time. Download.

"The Pike, the Peer, and the Archbishop", Country Illustrated, Issue 84 (Anniversary 2009), 60–63. Download.

Interview with David Smith, "From Poetry to Energy Research", Physics Education (May 2007), 309–312. Download.

"The Mating Mind", Psychology, Evolution, and Gender 2/3 (Dec. 2000), 337–341. Review of Geoffrey Miller, The Mating Mind (Heinemann: London, 2000). Download.

"Arthur Sale: 1912–2000". Based on "Arthur Sale: Teaching for the love of literature", The Times (4 May 2000). Download.

Review of Derek Attridge, Poetic Rhythm: An Introduction (Cambridge U.P.: Cambridge, 1995). Albion, New Series 42 (1996), 64–71. Download.

Review of Joseph Carroll’s Evolution and Literary Theory (University of Missouri Press, 1995), Studies in English Literature (Journal of the English Literary Society of Japan, ISSN 0387-3439), English Number 1996: 91–99. Download.

"The Illustrated London News", for the journal of the Ikeda Archive (Ikeda Bunko) in 1992, Ikeda-shi, Osaka, Japan. Download.

Review of John Paul Russo, I. A. Richards: His Life and Work. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; London: Routledge, 1989. 864pp. Published in both Studies in English Literature (English Literature Society of Japan) (March, 1991), 63–8, and the journal of literary semantics, 22/1 (Apr. 1993), 86–9. Download.

"'The Phoenix and the Turtle': 'Either was the other's mine' – A New Reading", Notes and Queries, 234/3 (Sept. 1989), 327–8. Download.